When viewing a strategy, there are some indicators to assist investors in making a decision about which strategy to invest in.
Here are some indicators to consider:
Risk Score |
For Social Standard and Social Pro accounts, the risk score reflects the level of risk taken. The higher the score, the greater the risk and chance of making money, or losing money more rapidly. Risk score is not available for Pro accounts. |
Performance fee | This shows the amount of fee paid by investors to strategy providers when an investment returns a profit. This can range from 0-50%. |
Return | This charts the Return seen in a specific strategy. The return for the whole strategy period is shown. The statistics calculate the change in equity, offsetting any deposits and withdrawals. |
Investors | This parameter indicates the number of investors copying the strategy at present. |
Leverage | A ratio of the strategy provider’s own funds to borrowed funds, which are invested in a strategy. Higher leverage increases the likelihood of opening more positions as there is less margin. |
Strategy equity | This is the total amount of Strategy provider’s own funds available in the strategy account. Clicking on the parameter will take you to the equity chart under the Statistics tab. |